What is the Dent County Public Schools Foundation?
We are a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. This allows us to accept charitable gifts to assist with specific school projects. We were established in September 2020 to secure resources to enhance educational opportunities for our Dent County Schools. While our sole purpose is to support the Dent County Schools, we are a separate organization with our own governing board.
To make a charitable donation to the Dent County Schools Foundation, please click on the Community Foundation of the Ozarks button below. Thank you for your donation!
Our Mission
To promote growth and opportunity for students, faculty/staff and alumni of the Dent County School Systems while enlisting community involvement to enhance the educational needs of all.
Our Goals
Raise funds to promote excellence in our school system.
Provide enhanced opportunities for students to reach their potential.
Create a bridge that brings community and schools together.
Provide mini-grants for classrooms to promote academic learning and excellence.
How can you help?
Become an DCPSF Annual Member! Annual Members are entitled to attend all DCPSF events at no additional fee. The DCPSF is a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization that is not for profit. Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. More than that, your donations are used to help the children in the DCSF receive a world class education. Your unrestricted donation may be of great benefit as we are able to direct it to the area of greatest current need. Our Mini-Grant program is an area where your donation can always have a significant impact. Donors are always welcome to designate their gift for the school, program or project of their choice.
Individual Membership Levels:
$25 Dent County Schools Employees
$50 DCPSF Friend
$100 DCPSF Partner
$250 DCPSF Supporter
$500 DCPSF Patron
$1,000 DCPSF VIP
$5,000 DCPSF Legacy
Business Membership Levels:
$250 DCPSF Associate
$500 DCPSF Champion
$1,000 DCPSF Ambassador
$2,500 DCPSF Innovator
$5,000 DCPSF Visionary
Other Ways to Give:
Gifts of Cash
Real Estate
Estate Planning
To make a charitable donation to the Dent County Public Schools Foundation, please click on the Community Foundation of the Ozarks button below. Thank you for your donation!
Dent County Public Schools Foundation Board
Mary Beth Cook, Lynne Emory Engle, Tammy Sellers, Harold Hamilton, Ruth Ann Parker, Michael Sullivan, Kristi Craig, April Greener, Lesa Glenn, Sara Jones, Sarah Parker, Karla Tiefenthaler, Vicky Brooker, Kristina Jackson, Chrissy Flores, Laine Schafer, Dan Copeland, Melanie Wisdom, Kathy Grover, and Lisa Hester. Advisor to the board, Bernie Sirois.
Our Work
Strong public schools are an investment in our community and our future. Thanks to support from parents, alumni, business, and community members, Dent County Public Schools Foundation is on a path to better sustain and expand programs that make lasting educational experiences. Now more than ever, your contributions will make a difference.
Mini Grants
The Dent County Public School Foundation is offering mini-grants to teachers/academic club sponsors who may need/want additional supplies, equipment, and learning opportunities that have not been budgeted for through their school district. The Dent County School Foundation’s goal is to provide classroom/academic clubs with funds to help enhance students' learning in the Dent County area. The Foundation funds have been raised through generous community donations, area-wide auctions and other fundraisers. Through the community's generosity these grants are designed to empower education in our county-wide schools. Each school may contact their school representative for information and to receive the grant form.
Salem R-80 Construction Trades Program
The Dent County Schools Foundation is a strong supporter of the Construction Trades Program located at Salem High School. This class was added as part of a grant received in 2018 and allows students in grades 9 - 12 to participate in hands-on learning and skill development. Students will gain experience in various areas for future careers as roofers, electricians, plumbers, painters, carpenters and landscapers. The outcome of this program will promote students to become certified in skills to better serve our community. Students are enjoying their new building as a part of the contributions made by the community and a $500,000 grant. The new space will allow the students ample space to work and utilize instructional resources for hands-on learning.
Salem R-80 Construction Trades serves our community.
The program was launched in 2018.
Students will become certified specialists.
Over 100 students have benefited from the program.
Supporting Our Local Schools
William H Lynch Elementary School
Salem Upper Elementary School
Salem Middle School
Salem High School
Oak Hill R-I School
Green Forest R-II School
Dent-Phelps R-III School
North Wood R-IV School
Contact us by email at salempublicschoolsfoundation@gmail.com or check out our Facebook Page at Salem Public Schools Foundation.